It’s not until you start looking after your health and fitness, changing your life style and creating healthy habits that you start to realise the power
Exercise has on your life.
Before you begin your journey it feels and seems like it’s just something you have to do to reach a goal, for example weight loss which most people
Tend to use exercise for.
It’s not until you begin the process and stay consistent for at least 2-3 months and then that’s when the magic starts.
Here’s a few things I have learnt over the last 3 months:
When you first start it will feel hard, you will want to give up! This is where TRUST comes in, trust in the process, trust in your self and trust in your coach if you are working with one.
Motivation isn’t going to get you through this, consistency is, motivation is fleeting it comes and goes and usually only comes when you are doing not waiting for it. Commit to your workouts and show up for your self, I promise the more you do this the more motivation it will build.
Working with a PT/Coach is a game changer! If Consistency and commitment to your goals is something you massively struggle with then it’s going to help you more than anything by working with a qualified PT, even if its just for a certain amount of time to embed those habits and behaviour changes.
Focus on ONE thing at a time, until it feels like a normal part of your life, then you can focus on another area. For example if your goal is to improve your health and fitness, maybe focus on the exercise side of things first, get a good routine etc, before trying to nail your nutrition.
So what’s the MAGIC?
The magic comes from the changes exercise brings to your life as a whole:
Exercise impacts your mental health, it releases feel good hormones and you feel great after a session, better mental health means more improvements in your life such as feeling more confident, feeling better about your body, feeling more outgoing.
Feeling better in your self improves relationships with others.
Being more confident In your self and having more trust in your self can spill over into your career, you may even feel life you can take on that new roll now or step up the ladder.
Improved strength and endurance makes everyday life easier, less prone to injuries and can run around with your kids.
Seeing and feeling the benefits of exercise affects how you feel about your body, you begin to care about it more, improve what you eat, look after your self better.
The list is endless, because everyone experiences things differently.
A great quote I like to remind my self is this “ Choose your hard”
You can choose to push through the uncomfortable bit now but reap the rewards later or you can do the easy thing now and do nothing, but then it become much harder later, when you start to age, illnesses, injuries etc.
Looking after your body now will set you up for hopefully a much smoother and enjoyable time later.
So if you are struggling right now with getting active and making those changes to your health and fitness, here is your sign to start as soon as possible and start building those life long healthy habits.
If you need help with this then I offer both online PT, Home PT or Gym based sessions.
Hope this was helpful
Kelly x